Performing Quality Management in Reverse Logistics

Performing Quality Management in Reverse Logistics: Cosmetic Grading System is the Key!

Quality Management in Reverse Logistics with the help of the Cosmetic Grading System (CGS) is an integrated system for improving the production process and analyzing product quality. A company can have a grading laboratory to test, monitor, grade, and analyze products from different manufacturers for a better return on investment in this system. This system makes the whole product development cycle, including analysis, design, testing, packaging, promotion, and sale, much faster, efficient and profitable. 

The production process of any product is not smooth without the right grading. It is very important to grade the products properly, as they are used for different applications in different fields. Hence, the entire production process needs to be managed systematically. Reverse logistics followed by automation allows companies to increase the productivity and profits of the entire production process.  The entire operation will be handled in a more organized manner. The production cost and the profit margin can be increased by utilizing these services. Thus, the company can increase its profitability and service delivery time vertically.

How Cosmetic Grading Helps?

For a company looking to improve quality and reduce waste, using  CGS  is an ideal way to implement quality management in various operations. By providing customers with high-quality products that meet stringent standards and are designed to last, the cosmetic grading operations performed by a company’s reverse logistics services can help provide a positive impact on business profits.

The Final Say

In reverse logistics operations, cosmetic grading can guarantee better quality. When performing an inspection, it is vital to examine all angles of the finished product. By performing quality assurance inspections, customers can help ensure that the products they are using are designed to the highest standards possible.

That’s why, Griffyn brings in a foolproof system named DEEPSIGHT® that enables seeing the extent of scratches, cosmetic variations, and flaws in the device’s surfaces which are not possible through human eyes. The processed image through DEEPSIGHT  reveals the flaws by color-coding highlights that are superimposed on the raw image. With the introduction of DEEPSIGHT, Griffyn intends to appraise incoming devices accurately and consistently belonging to the procurement facet of the business. 

So, don’t wait now. Understand the benefits of a cosmetic grading system, and let your business offer superior quality solutions.

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